Frequently Asked Questions

PayPal/Visa/MasterCard. After pressing corresponding button (with PayPal/Visa/MasterCard icons) invoice will be sent to your email. Open it and click "View and Pay Invoice" to go to the payment page.

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Then you can simply select payment method in appropriate window: 1 button for PayPal, 2 for Visa/MasterCard (see screenshot below).

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Cryptocurrency. After pressing button with crypto icons you will go to the payment page. Follow further instructions.

Depends on the payment method. In the case of payment through the PayPal, usually less than a minute.

Payment through cryptocurrency is confirmed longer, but usually less than an hour. For speedy confirmation of payment, it is recommended to choose the optimal size of the commission.

1. After successfully confirmation of payment, we will send a letter to your mail with a notification of successful payment and a link to the file.

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2. Your file will also be available in the section purchased files to "My account".

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Please contact us. We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible.

After a successful payment, the file remains for you forever.

Do not hesitate to use contact us form.